Voice of God with Joseph Z
"Voice of God" is a program dedicated to prophetic journalism and faith-filled Bible teaching for the Last Days. Joseph Z, with his unique commentary and Bible teaching style, empowers you to view the world through a watchman's lens—much like the sons of Issachar, who knew what was coming and understood what to do about it.
The Voice of God TV program evolved from Joseph's daily online broadcast, "Prophecy LIVE," which has inspired and guided believers worldwide with reliable prophetic insights and accurate predictions of global events. Through "Voice of God," Joseph aims to achieve "A Million for a Billion"—to disciple one million believers through media, who will then reach a billion people with the message of Jesus.
Designed for viewers to grow in their prophetic experiences, the program helps you discern and interpret the signs of the times through prophetic insight and Bible teaching. Inspired by the biblical sons of Issachar, known for their deep understanding of the times and seasons, this program offers profound wisdom and divine guidance to navigate contemporary challenges. Through a blend of prophetic revelation and practical Bible teaching, Joseph Z and special guests provide tools to perceive God's voice and apply spiritual insights to current events and everyday life.
Prepare to uncover powerful insights into prophetic experiences, gain fresh perspectives on the world, and experience a dynamic increase in your faith. Joseph Z and his guests equip viewers to perceive God's voice, navigate challenges biblically, and apply spiritual insights to current events and everyday life.
God is always speaking. The question is—are you listening?
Air Times (ET)
Monday - Friday: 6:30am
Ministry Information:
Address: PO Box 63356, Colorado Springs, CO 80962
Phone: 888-268-1984
Website: josephz.com