
Believer’s Voice of Victory with Kenneth Copeland

Over the years, Kenneth Copeland and Gloria Copeland have delivered to you Bible-based teaching articles about faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption, righteousness, the anointing and the principles of victorious Christian living. KCM has gone around the globe from Alaska to Australia, from Eastern Europe to Africa, from remote islands in the Pacific to crisscrossing the United States just to bring you the news that Jesus Is Lord, no matter where you are.

KCM is committed to keeping the Word of God before your eyes—teaching you how to live victoriously—so that you are rooted and grounded enough to overcome your own adversity, reach out to others and share those same principles. We endeavor to bring believers from the milk to the meat of the Word, and into full maturity in their walk with God.

One word from God has transformed the lives of thousands who dared to hear and believe. And one word from God will do the same for you.

Air Times (ET)

Monday-Friday: 10:00am & 11:30pm

Ministry Information:

Address: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001
Phone: 817-852-6000