

If you came searching for peace, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re looking for purpose, it’s waiting for you. It’s time to begin the life you were created to live. But first, here are some things you should know.  

God Loves You.

That’s right! The Creator of heaven and earth loves YOU. That may be hard to accept for a number of reasons. It’s possible that you’ve never felt loved, have experienced abuse, or maybe you’ve hurt others. While some of these things and more might be true, they don’t change how God feels about you. 

“This is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Sin Separates You.

The choice to disobey God, commonly called “sin,” has separated you from Him. And according to the Bible, we’ve all done it. Sin is a destructive, devastating force, but there’s always hope. God may not have caused the sin problem, but He knows exactly how to fix it! 

“The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:23

Jesus Saves You.

As long as sin rules your heart and life, you can’t connect with the One who created you. That’s why God decided to send His only Son into the world to pay a debt you could never afford. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so you could have a relationship with God.

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21

You’ve read the facts, and now it’s time to make a decision! Your sin may have separated you from God, but it only takes one life-changing choice to bridge the gap. Salvation is a gift, and it’s yours for the taking. Simply say the words below and mean them in your heart. 

Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sin and rose from the grave. Forgive me, and come into my heart today. Thank You for loving me. Help me to live for you. Amen!

I Just Prayed! Now What?

Now What?

You’ve accepted God’s gift of salvation, but you’re not sure what to do next. These important steps will help:


Tell Someone.

You’ve just made the biggest decision of your life! It’s important to seal that by sharing it with someone else, and we’d love for that to be us! Call our prayer partners at 1-800-329-0029 or send us a message at 


Read The Bible.

Embarking on a new adventure without a map is hard. The Bible is an amazing way to figure out where you’re going in life and help you make sense of where you’ve been. It also provides strength, wisdom, and knowledge for the road ahead. 


Find a Church.

Living the Christian life can be challenging. There may be people in your life that won’t support your decision to follow Christ. That's why it's critical to find a strong, Bible-believing church where you can hear encouraging messages and meet others on the same path. 

We are so excited for you!


 Today marks the birth of something beautiful. To celebrate your new life in Christ, we want to send you a special gift!

Taking the opportunity to grow in your faith is so important!

Watch the programs below to meet people already exploring and experiencing a life lived in relationship with God. They will offer helpful insight and bring fresh perspective to your new adventure. Enjoy the journey!

Let’s Celebrate!

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a special gift to help you grow in your relationship with God! Remember we’re always here if you need us, so don’t hesitate to reach out for prayer by calling 1-800-329-0029 or sending us a message at We can’t wait to encourage you on the journey!